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tv   ABC7 News 430AM  ABC  July 13, 2012 4:30am-5:00am PDT

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thank you for joining us i'm kristen sze. i'm eric thomas. in los angeles three police officers are recovering this morning from minor injuries after being hurt during a a confrontation with occupy protesters. the protest began as part of a sidewalk chalk drawing demonstration advertised on facebook. police began moving 200 protesters from blogging the street before 10 p.m.. occupy protesters are claiming police shot rubber bullets there are reports of people throwing bottles and cans at police. it took hundreds of officers two hours to disperse the protesters, 16 people were with arrested on various charges. back in san jose, some residents are frustrated by the rise in homeless encampments seven fires in kelly park in the past two weeks add together frustration
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nearby residents say the city has told officers not to remove the homeless there or cite them entitle may a memo was sent to the city council saying sjpd has halted all cleanup activities to ensure procedures are complying with state requirements. the city learned state law requires it to class fay and record all items taken -- classify and record all items taken. >> we ned regular patrols and enforcement. i've never seen a police caricom down the fire road day or night. >> city officials say they have short term plans for massive cleanup next thursday brush will be cleared along the creek to help prevent fires. and the city will try to hire more park rangers. more than 1800 firefighters from all over california, including contra costa county, are trying to keep a dangerous fast moving wildfire from spreading further. it broke out wednesday afternoon along the american
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river near forest hill, it has grown to 800 acres and moving towards colfax. 150 homes are threatened. yesterday hundreds grabbed pets and livestock and the night in shelters. some decided to ignore evacuation orders. >> we feel we have a defensible space. >> i've been here 35 years, i built the house and i'm going down fighting i'm going down with the ship. >> firefighters are trying to keep the flames from jumping north fork of the american river that. fire 10% contained. this morning electricity back to thousands of pg&e customers left in the dark the outage hit more than 10,000 homes and businesses before 9:00 last night in the western -- the patrons of a restaurant made the best of it was tough on drivers because a lot of streetlights were out. all but 3,000 had power
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restored within an hour this all in san francisco, the remainder had their electricity back before midnight. pg&e is still trying to determine what caused the outage. contra costa's sheriff will unveil plans to expand the county jail that is maxing out. critics say the money should be spent on programs to keep people out of jail. nick smith joins us live from the jail. >> reporter: good morning the sheriff says he's running out of room and plans to expand the west contra costa detention facility is being met with resistance. contra costa county sheriff is expected to unveil his plans for a 150 bed expansion. he says the numbers of newly sentenced inmates has caused the jail to fill faster than expected and they need room for the growing population. not everyone is pleased with the plan.
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>> looking ahead, we do need to plan for the future. it is going to be a problem. >> bottom line is, people need help. invest in people not in locking people up. >> reporter: sammy is one person who has been in and out of west contra costa facility six times. he and other former inmates are against the expansion. they believe that money and resources should go to programs that promote rehabilitation. the two million dollar expansion will add 150 new beds. the sheriff will unveil his plan today at the community correction partnership meeting. nick smith, abc7 news. 4:35. lawyers for pg&e and attorneys behind a class action suit filed by survivors of the 2010 san bruno gas pipeline explosion to a courtroom this morning for a pretrial hearing. the pipeline explosion and fire nearly two years ago killed eight people and destroyed 38 homes.
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the company set up a 100 million dollar relief fund in the immediate aftermath of the explosion. in march, pg&e an get to pay 70 million dollars in a settlement with the city of san bruno used to create a non-profit portion dedicated to helping victims of the blast. the class action suit filed by hundreds of victims is scheduled to go to trial in october. new warning from san francisco police about an ongoing scam the police department is out with a new public service announcement to make potential victims aware. police say criminals prey on superstitions and convince victims, to hanover valuables to be purified many the items are swapped out and victims are told not to open the bag for two weeks. when they do, it is full of junk. five people have been victimized in the last two weeks. officials say girders are
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being placed between columns that have been installed. when the girders are put in they say it will be easier to envision where the track will be. the 484 million dollar project will carry passengers between the coliseum station and airport and it is scheduled to be completed in 2014. 4:37. time to get a look at that forecast don't let friday the 13th, stuff bother you, it is just a number. >> it just a number and we are lucky with temperatures cooling down. >> don't fear the triskaidekaphobia. >> thank you very much sir. well done sir. >> triskaidekaphobia. >> that's good, i could never do. >> i stole it from somebody, they told me. here's what is going on this morning. live doppler 7 hd it is clear as far as the radar goes. there's a lot of cloud cover. you could tell where the cloud cover is temperatures warmer than yesterday half moon bay, san francisco, san carlos
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oakland starting to move moo concord and napa -- move into concord and napa. low to our south brought thunderstorms to arizona and southern california low to our north squeezing the high pushing it off to the east that's why it is going to be so much cooler today from two to 14° cooler. along the coast, 50s today, mid and up 60s san francisco and oakland 70s bay shore 80s inland possibly 90 in antioch. tomorrow we drop a couple more degrees close to average sunday and monday we may be slightly below average. morning clouds giving way to afternoon sunshine. here's your traffic with frances. we don't have accidents to slow you down. roadwork continues eastbound 4 antioch all lanes closed at loveridge off the off-ramp back on, not too much of a
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delay westbound traffic flowing well at 60 miles an hour. as you continue to ride 242, 680 walnut creek here's a live shot, southbound towards highway 24, no delays through the san ramon valley. southbound headlights northbound 280 that's 17 light throughout the south bay no problems on the peninsula. quiet ride looks good in the north bay 101 san rafael for headlights moving southbound. 4:39. next, the great story, young man overcoming incredible odds, victim and survivor of oakland's violence receive as honor that will help him achieve his goals. >> finally, we know what caused san diego's embarrassing 4th of july fireworks fumble that you are looking at right now. back to school time means back to school germs.
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that's why lysol partners with schools to help teach healthy habits, habits you can reinforce by adding lysol wipes and no-touch hand soap to your back to school list. learn more at
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. >> good friday morning. san francisco clouds the cool san francisco has been feeling will extend to those of you inland who have been waiting to get a little air quality and heat relief. mike will have four friday and weekend forecast, coming up. in oakland a high school graduate was honored with a scholarship for college because he didn't let a bad break bring him down. gerald william was award a $500 scholarship from the group led by oakland cousins. williams was rewarded for persevering even after being shot last year in downtown oakland. >> going through trials and tribulations living in oakland being a young black male just
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being able to stay on top of my game, finish high school and finish with a gpa of 3.5. >> williams had help from a program that made sure he kept up with his studies. now with the scholarship and several grands he will be heading to san diego state next month to study business and play football. remember that 4th of july fireworks show in san diego? we've got the best video yet of what happened. yep, all went up in 15 seconds. the company blamed a computer glitch for everything going off at once. the company says it was doubling of code commands that directed all fireworks to fire and launch all at once. it sure was spectacular in a bizarre way for the short time it lasted.
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enough to become a youtube sensation with four million hits. the company is autographing to do another show for free to make up for the mistake. >> yeah after july 4th, kind of different. >> i think people still want to see it. a washington, d.c. police officer an designed protect the first lady is in serious -- officer assigned to protect the first lady is in serious trouble. big name who has reportedly made it on mitt romney's short list of running mates. u.s. olympic team dressed in foreign-made clothing an issue republicans and democrats are seeing eye-to-eye on. france fights back. the california product the french government wants restaurants to ban to protest the golden state's recent foie gras ban. 3q there she is !
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hey, i got a leak ! yoo hoo ! wait a minute, come back ! um, miss ? up here! right. like 85% of us, you have hard water stains
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and that cleaner's not gonna cut it. truth is, you need something powerful. you need lime-a-way. it's 4 times more effective at removing limescale than the leading bathroom cleaner. because lime-a-way is specially formulated to conquer hard water stains. for lime, calcium and rust... lime-a-way is a must.
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welcome back. two to 14° cooler than yesterday. 80s inland antioch 90. across the lower 48 still warm portland 83, 7 seattle. mid nine these salt lake and denver, 104 phoenix. 80s and 90s east of the rockies. it comes with more humidity. as far as weather delays or flight delays everybody on time except houston flight arrival delays. at home showers down south not causing problems. if it does we'll keep an eye on it you can too with 4:47. a syrian activist group says more than 100 people have been killed in a massacre in the
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central province. the group blames the regime of president assad for the attack. no additional details released many protests against the government has turned into an armed insurgency. members of congress calling for action after abc news revealed the u.s. olympic team will be wearing clothes not made in the u.s.a. from the hats to the shoes the team will be decked out in uniforms made almost entirely in china. the discovery has set off -- off a bipartisan backlash and rare agreement on capitol hill. >> they should be wearing uniforms made in america. >> you would think they would know better. >> take all the even forms put them in a big bile and burn them and start all over again. >> uniforms were designed by ralph lauren. the company has declined to comment on the criticism. the committee tells abc news they are focused on supporting athletes as they take the stage.
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this morning a washington, d.c. police officer is on desk duty after making allegedly making threats against first lady michelle obama it officer was assign to the police department's motorcycle escort for the white house, he was overheard saying he would shoot the first lady. he then showed a photo on his cell phone of the gun he said he would use many an officer who heard the conversation reported him to superiors. police say there's no indication mrs. obama was ever in any real danger. mitt romney has reportedly narrowed his field for a running made to -- running mate to a handful of choices. we will announce in a few speaks. there's speculation growing that condoleeza rice is at the top of his short list. >> reporter: the guessing game is heating up now word of a surprise contender condoleeza rice. according to the drudge report the former secretary of state has emerged as top choice for romney's running mate as he gets ready to make his pick
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known in the coming weeks. so far the romney campaign has no comment on the report. rice has said she didn't want the job. but an e-mail is stoking speculation. 2012 perhaps a turning point for the united states, upcoming elections loom as one of the most important in my lifetime she writes. romney is keeping the process top secret only confirmed one person on the list. >> marco rubio is being thoroughly vetted. >> reporter: the florida senator is a rising star in the gop and his cuban heritage can help. top tier is said to belong to tim pawlenty and rob portman in ohio. tahman bradley, abc news, washington. residents in an arizona neighborhood are cleaning up this morning after a lightning strike damaged several buildings and caused a destructive fire. damage could be seen everywhere, bushes burned,
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trees toppled. residents say they heard thunder from the lightning strike and noticed the roof of a house collapsed. glad you guys are you happy that spare the air is over? >> very happy. >> murky in the east bay yesterday brown and high clouds coming from the showers to the south made it look gross out there stayed inside for the better part of the day. >> with the ac? >> it was running. i had it set high, try not to spend too much electricity and rob it from other people. here's what is going on from mount tamalpais this morning, moon off in the distance, sun about to come over the who are lie done from angle, a few -- horizon from this angle. clouds do not have drizzle, do not have mist tomorrow morning maybe different could be a little falling clouds will be thicker and possibly a little more moisture laden.
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lightning strikes around reno thunder there over the last three hours low pressure bringing monsoonal flow and miss that comes with it from mexico into the desert down there to l.a., if you are heading that way scattered storms possible in the sierra today. 64 antioch rest of us in the 50s, low to mid 50s monterey bay. cleaner and cooler air today, cloudy tonight with patchy drizzle, next week will balance this heat with below average afternoon temperatures low kicking the high out of way as we talked about it would, pushing cooler weather inland, east bay valleys see the biggest drop today up to 14° in some areas, mid to upper 80s, possibly 90, antioch and brentwood. east bay shore mid to upper 60s berkeley and oakland. down south upper 70s to mid 80s, sunnyvale and milpitas 60
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eight millbrae, low to mid 70s most of the peninsula. up the coast socked in with fog mid to upper 50s low to mid 60s downtown south san francisco to sausalito 70s to near 80 north bay valleys cloudy mid 50s at beaches low 60s monterey, 72 santa cruz warm 80s as you head inland. around state fresno could reach 101 that's about it thunderstorms possible palm springs at 99, yosemite 92, tahoe 81. tonight a lot of cloud cover in the 50s drop four degrees tomorrow away from the coast maybe a spike sunday cooler below average monday through most of next week here's frances. no major problems on the freeways this morning. check out this live shot of the golden gate bridge today you can see it. not as much fog this morning. it is also a nice ride across
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the san mateo bridge this is westbound traffic on the right for taillights. as you head to the bay bridge toll plaza you won't find delays on freeways out of westbound 80 out of emeryville, westbound 580 through oakland even northbound 880 you can see it connecting towards the maze. everything is fine, everything is light. if you want to take mass transit, bart, ace, caltrain, muni reporting no delays. it is 4:54. a friend. government official is calling on all french restaurants to stop selling california wine. a politician in the region known for foie gras is outraged over california's new law banning the delicacy. restaurant owners and retailers here who oppose the ban understand the sentiment. >> the law has has already put out of business one company.
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who is the next small company to be put out of business by the law? >> the state's foie gras ban took effect july 1st, after animal rights activists convinced lawmakers that force-feeding ducks and geese through a tube to fatten their hreufrs is cruel. support -- their livers cruel. a lawsuit to block enforcement of the foie gras ban is pending. bay area scientists developed a new machine that can help doctors get lab results in a minutes. the continue any disc was created in livermore designed to be -- to be used at doctor's offices patients need to provide just a drop of blood the machine uses centrifugal force to separate blood proteins. it can be used for many tests. >> you pull out year cancer disc out of the fridge and put it on the disc if you want to
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look at something more specific e. coli or salmonella testing, maybe you pull that out >> that means the portable machine can be used by food processors on a production line to test for pathogens it costs pennies to make and runs on batteries. bay area man hospitalized recovering from a head injury he suffered during a running of the bulls in spain. he is a software engineer at google he celebrated his 28th birthday at the annual bull run he says a guy tripped him and he felt something big and heavy stomp on his head. kyle has a concussion but he's going to be okay. three-month-old kitten doing well this morning after surviving a journey across the pacific locked in a freight container with no food or water. the kitten traveled 6500 miles
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from shanghai to los angeles. workers discovered the stowaway while they were unloading the containers. unclear how many days the kitten was in the container, the trip can take 21 days. animal care workers named him how are you in mandarin. soon it will be up for adoption. >> i was going to say that but she beat me to it. >> the adoption part? >> no, the i'm fine part. >> go ahead. >> no, you took care of it well. the big grant being announced today that will put firefighters on the street, live report. mayor fights back. his response to the subpoenas issued by the lawyer representing san francisco's suspended sheriff ross mirkarimi in his ethics battle. supporters of a failed initiative to increase california's tobacco tax demand a recount.
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good morning! wow. want to start the day with something heart healthy and delicious? you're a talking bee... honey nut cheerios has whole grain oats that can help lower cholesterol. and it tastes good? sure does! right... ♪
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wow. delicious, right? yeah. it's the honey, it makes it taste so... ♪ well, would you look at the time... what's the rush? be happy. be healthy.


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